Ensuring safe working conditions is a priority for most modern organizations.

In many cases however the results are not as expected although significant resources are spent to this end.

This is often due to lack of participation - indifference of workers for Occupational Health & Safety.

Why is it that workers are not concerned about health and safety? 

The lack of relevant training and awareness is an important factor. The workers should be aware of the risks they may face in their work, the established protective and preventive measures and the impacts of occupational hazards to their actual health and safety.

An excellent way to enhance workers’ participation is the implementation of consultation and communication programs. These programs take into account workers’ views, concerns and issues, by using those to develop health & safety programs.

The importance of consultation and participation of workers has been recognized by the relevant Technical Committee of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), placing it as a key component of Safety Management Systems in accordance with the new ISO 45001 standard.

Process Engineering is able to effectively support an organization to enhance Occupational Health & Safety Culture through: 

  • The evaluation of organization’s Occupational Health & Safety climate.
  • The identification of training needs, the designing and implementation of relevant training programs.
  • The development of communication and promotion tools (posters, media etc.).
  • The development of tools to accommodate and facilitate safety meetings and toolbox talks.
  • The execution of Occupational Health & Safety campaigns.

For more information concerning Occupational Health and Safety contact the technical department of Process Engineering.


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  • +30 210 6724258, +30 210 6724229
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